RMLC is a healthy, mission-shaped, multiplying Lutheran Congregation in the Cities of Rockingham and Mandurah.
HealthyA healthy church is a Gospel-focused church. We seek to be centred on Christ and led by His Spirit. We care for one another by ensuring we have good governance & child protection procedures which reflect the safety of God's grace.
Mission-ShapedAs a mission-shaped church, we have three core purposes: go, grow & enable. Some groups of our church are designed to "go" and share the Gospel with not-yet-Christians. Our "grow" groups focus on growing people in Christ. And our "enable" groups help all this happen through resourcing and governance.
MultiplyingWe value the multiplication of disciples and leaders at every level. We believe this is God's heart for his church, that every person can contribute. This also means that we believe in church planting, the multiplication of a church into more churches. Find out more about our church-planting mission here.
LutheranWe share our beliefs and mission with the Lutheran Church of Australia. We stand in a long tradition of being absolutely centred on the Gospel in Word and Sacrament, bringing this good news of God's grace to urban Australia today. All people, whether or not they have a denominational background, are welcome to join our church family.
Introducing our Pastor
Pastor Steve Liersch moved to the Rockingham Mandurah Lutheran Church in January 2016. He has been a minister in the Lutheran Church of Australia since 1992 beginning in his first parish of Unley in the inner suburbs of Adelaide in January 1993. Steve is now a local with his lovely wife Angelyn and their three children, Sam, Jackson & Keziah. Steve enjoys vegie gardening, although now that he's finishing up his backyard renovation, his focus is beginning to go to other interests like fishing and sport. He still enjoys playing cricket and social tennis when he can, however watching his children play their sport and mixing with other families has always been just as satisfying. Our pastor enjoys bringing the Good News of Jesus and God’s love for all people to both his church and the local community in a variety of ways. Hopefully you’ll get to say g’day to him sometime and share a few minutes in friendly conversation - he’d like that. |

Living Waters Lutheran College
The Warnbro site of Rockingham Mandurah Lutheran Church (RMLC) worships onsite at Living Waters Lutheran College and supports its ministry to the students, teachers and families of the school community.
Toward the end of 1994 a group of people interested in Christian education, and in particular Lutheran schooling, gathered at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Perth to learn more about the steps to be taken in order to establish a Lutheran school in Western Australia. The chairperson and driving force behind the WA group was Dr. Len Vlahov a committed Christian. Since its beginning the College has grown at a rate that far exceeded expectations. From 63 students who began at Living Waters in January 1997, the student numbers grew strongly every year, reaching 120 in 1998, 340 in 1999, etc. Such growth encouraged the School Board to pursue the request of parents to provide education from kindergarten through to year 12. By the end of 1998 we were granted approval and began work to make this a reality. These days, Living Waters provides education for around 1000 students each year, and we are proud to be an integral part of the communities within the Peel region.
We believe it is important that all young people develop an understanding of Christian principles and values and strive to use these to form the foundation on which they build their lives. It is our goal at LWLC, through the teaching of a balanced curriculum reinforced with Christian values, that each individual student be given the opportunity to develop their talents and gifts.
The Warnbro site of Rockingham Mandurah Lutheran Church (RMLC) worships onsite at Living Waters Lutheran College and supports its ministry to the students, teachers and families of the school community.
Toward the end of 1994 a group of people interested in Christian education, and in particular Lutheran schooling, gathered at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Perth to learn more about the steps to be taken in order to establish a Lutheran school in Western Australia. The chairperson and driving force behind the WA group was Dr. Len Vlahov a committed Christian. Since its beginning the College has grown at a rate that far exceeded expectations. From 63 students who began at Living Waters in January 1997, the student numbers grew strongly every year, reaching 120 in 1998, 340 in 1999, etc. Such growth encouraged the School Board to pursue the request of parents to provide education from kindergarten through to year 12. By the end of 1998 we were granted approval and began work to make this a reality. These days, Living Waters provides education for around 1000 students each year, and we are proud to be an integral part of the communities within the Peel region.
We believe it is important that all young people develop an understanding of Christian principles and values and strive to use these to form the foundation on which they build their lives. It is our goal at LWLC, through the teaching of a balanced curriculum reinforced with Christian values, that each individual student be given the opportunity to develop their talents and gifts.